#include "system.h"
+#include "adns.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "list.h"
-static struct addrinfo *get_canonical_address(node_t *n) {
- if(!n->canonical_address) {
- return false;
- }
- char *address = xstrdup(n->canonical_address);
- char *port = strchr(address, ' ');
+static void canonical_resolve_cb(meshlink_handle_t *mesh, char *host, char *serv, void *data, struct addrinfo *ai, int err) {
+ (void)serv;
+ (void)err;
+ node_t *n = data;
+ free(host);
+ free(serv);
+ for list_each(outgoing_t, outgoing, mesh->outgoings) {
+ if(outgoing->node == n) {
+ if(outgoing->state == OUTGOING_CANONICAL_RESOLVE) {
+ outgoing->ai = ai;
+ outgoing->aip = NULL;
+ outgoing->state = OUTGOING_CANONICAL;
+ do_outgoing_connection(mesh, outgoing);
+ }
- if(!port) {
- free(address);
- return false;
+ return;
+ }
- *port++ = 0;
- struct addrinfo *ai = str2addrinfo(address, port, SOCK_STREAM);
- free(address);
- return ai;
static bool get_next_outgoing_address(meshlink_handle_t *mesh, outgoing_t *outgoing) {
if(outgoing->state == OUTGOING_START) {
start = true;
- outgoing->state = OUTGOING_CANONICAL;
+ }
+ if(outgoing->state == OUTGOING_CANONICAL_RESOLVE) {
+ node_t *n = outgoing->node;
+ if(n->canonical_address) {
+ char *address = xstrdup(n->canonical_address);
+ char *port = strchr(address, ' ');
+ if(port) {
+ *port++ = 0;
+ port = xstrdup(port);
+ } else {
+ port = xstrdup(mesh->myport);
+ }
+ adns_queue(mesh, address, port, canonical_resolve_cb, outgoing->node, 2);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ outgoing->state = OUTGOING_RECENT;
+ }
if(outgoing->state == OUTGOING_CANONICAL) {
if(!outgoing->aip) {
- outgoing->ai = get_canonical_address(outgoing->node);
outgoing->aip = outgoing->ai;
} else {
outgoing->aip = outgoing->aip->ai_next;
return true;
- freeaddrinfo(outgoing->ai);
+ if(outgoing->ai) {
+ freeaddrinfo(outgoing->ai);
+ }
outgoing->ai = NULL;
outgoing->aip = NULL;
outgoing->state = OUTGOING_RECENT;
if(!get_next_outgoing_address(mesh, outgoing)) {
- if(outgoing->state == OUTGOING_NO_KNOWN_ADDRESSES) {
+ if(outgoing->state == OUTGOING_CANONICAL_RESOLVE) {
+ /* We are waiting for a callback from the ADNS thread */
+ } else if(outgoing->state == OUTGOING_NO_KNOWN_ADDRESSES) {
logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "No known addresses for %s", outgoing->node->name);
} else {
logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Could not set up a meta connection to %s", outgoing->node->name);