-#if 0
- edge_t *e;
- node_t *from, *to;
- char from_name[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
- int from_devclass;
- char from_submesh_name[MAX_STRING_SIZE] = "";
- char to_name[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
- char to_address[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
- char to_port[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
- int to_devclass;
- char to_submesh_name[MAX_STRING_SIZE] = "";
- sockaddr_t address;
- int weight;
- int contradictions = 0;
- uint32_t session_id = 0;
- submesh_t *s = NULL;
+ (void)request;
- if(sscanf(request, "%*d %*x "MAX_STRING" %d "MAX_STRING" "MAX_STRING" "MAX_STRING" "MAX_STRING" %d "MAX_STRING" %*x %d %d %x",
- from_name, &from_devclass, from_submesh_name, to_name, to_address, to_port, &to_devclass, to_submesh_name,
- &weight, &contradictions, &session_id) < 9) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Got bad %s from %s", "ADD_EDGE", c->name);
- return false;
- }
- // Check if devclasses are valid
- if(from_devclass < 0 || from_devclass >= DEV_CLASS_COUNT) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Got bad %s from %s: %s", "ADD_EDGE", c->name, "from devclass invalid");
- return false;
- }
- if(to_devclass < 0 || to_devclass >= DEV_CLASS_COUNT) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Got bad %s from %s: %s", "ADD_EDGE", c->name, "to devclass invalid");
- return false;
- }
- if(0 == strcmp(from_submesh_name, "")) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Got bad %s from %s: %s", "ADD_EDGE", c->name, "invalid submesh id");
- return false;
- }
- if(0 == strcmp(to_submesh_name, "")) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Got bad %s from %s: %s", "ADD_EDGE", c->name, "invalid submesh id");
- return false;
- }
- if(seen_request(mesh, request)) {
- return true;
- }
- /* Lookup nodes */
- from = lookup_node(mesh, from_name);
- to = lookup_node(mesh, to_name);
- if(!from) {
- from = new_node();
- from->status.dirty = true;
- from->status.blacklisted = false;
- from->name = xstrdup(from_name);
- from->devclass = from_devclass;
- from->submesh = NULL;
- if(0 != strcmp(from_submesh_name, CORE_MESH)) {
- if(!(from->submesh = lookup_or_create_submesh(mesh, from_submesh_name))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- node_add(mesh, from);
- }
- if(contradictions > 50) {
- handle_duplicate_node(mesh, from);
- }
- from->devclass = from_devclass;
- if(!from->session_id) {
- from->session_id = session_id;
- }
- if(!to) {
- to = new_node();
- to->status.dirty = true;
- to->status.blacklisted = false;
- to->name = xstrdup(to_name);
- to->devclass = to_devclass;
- to->submesh = NULL;
- if(0 != strcmp(to_submesh_name, CORE_MESH)) {
- if(!(to->submesh = lookup_or_create_submesh(mesh, to_submesh_name))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- node_add(mesh, to);
- }
- to->devclass = to_devclass;
- /* Convert addresses */
- address = str2sockaddr(to_address, to_port);
- /* Check if edge already exists */
- e = lookup_edge(from, to);
- if(e) {
- if(e->weight != weight || e->session_id != session_id || sockaddrcmp(&e->address, &address)) {
- if(from == mesh->self) {
- /* The sender has outdated information, we own this edge to send a correction back */
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_DEBUG, "Got %s from %s for ourself which does not match existing entry", "ADD_EDGE", c->name);
- send_add_edge(mesh, c, e, 0);
- return true;
- } else if(to == mesh->self && from != c->node && from->status.reachable) {
- /* The sender has outdated information, someone else owns this node so they will correct */
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_DEBUG, "Got %s from %s which does not match existing entry, ignoring", "ADD_EDGE", c->name);
- return true;
- } else {
- /* Might be outdated, but update our information, another node will send a correction if necessary */
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_DEBUG, "Got %s from %s which does not match existing entry", "ADD_EDGE", c->name);
- edge_del(mesh, e);
- }
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- } else if(from == mesh->self) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_WARNING, "Got %s from %s for ourself which does not exist", "ADD_EDGE", c->name);
- mesh->contradicting_add_edge++;
- e = new_edge();
- e->from = from;
- e->to = to;
- e->session_id = session_id;
- send_del_edge(mesh, c, e, mesh->contradicting_add_edge);
- free_edge(e);
- return true;
- }
- e = new_edge();
- e->from = from;
- e->to = to;
- e->address = address;
- e->weight = weight;
- e->session_id = session_id;
- edge_add(mesh, e);
- /* Run MST before or after we tell the rest? */
- graph(mesh);
- if(e->from->submesh && e->to->submesh && (e->from->submesh != e->to->submesh)) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Dropping add edge ( %s to %s )", e->from->submesh->name, e->to->submesh->name);
- return false;
- }
- if(e->from->submesh) {
- s = e->from->submesh;
- } else {
- s = e->to->submesh;
- }
- /* Tell the rest about the new edge */
- forward_request(mesh, c, s, request);
- /* TODO: Check if this is an edge we would own */
+ /* TODO: Check if this is an edge we would own. */
return true;
-#if 0
-bool send_del_edge(meshlink_handle_t *mesh, connection_t *c, const edge_t *e, int contradictions) {
- submesh_t *s = NULL;
- if(c->node && c->node->submesh) {
- if(!submesh_allows_node(e->from->submesh, c->node)) {
- return true;
- }
- if(!submesh_allows_node(e->to->submesh, c->node)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- if(e->from->submesh && e->to->submesh && (e->from->submesh != e->to->submesh)) {
- return true;
- }
- if(e->from->submesh) {
- s = e->from->submesh;
- } else {
- s = e->to->submesh;
- }
- return send_request(mesh, c, s, "%d %x %s %s %d %x", DEL_EDGE, prng(mesh, UINT_MAX),
- e->from->name, e->to->name, contradictions, e->session_id);
bool del_edge_h(meshlink_handle_t *mesh, connection_t *c, const char *request) {
-#if 0
- edge_t *e;
- char from_name[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
- char to_name[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
- node_t *from, *to;
- int contradictions = 0;
- uint32_t session_id = 0;
- submesh_t *s = NULL;
- if(sscanf(request, "%*d %*x "MAX_STRING" "MAX_STRING" %d %x", from_name, to_name, &contradictions, &session_id) < 2) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Got bad %s from %s", "DEL_EDGE", c->name);
- return false;
- }
- if(seen_request(mesh, request)) {
- return true;
- }
- /* Lookup nodes */
- from = lookup_node(mesh, from_name);
- to = lookup_node(mesh, to_name);
- if(!from) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_WARNING, "Got %s from %s which does not appear in the edge tree", "DEL_EDGE", c->name);
- return true;
- }
- if(!to) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_WARNING, "Got %s from %s which does not appear in the edge tree", "DEL_EDGE", c->name);
- return true;
- }
- if(contradictions > 50) {
- handle_duplicate_node(mesh, from);
- }
- /* Check if edge exists */
- e = lookup_edge(from, to);
- if(!e) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_WARNING, "Got %s from %s which does not appear in the edge tree", "DEL_EDGE", c->name);
- return true;
- }
- if(e->from == mesh->self) {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_WARNING, "Got %s from %s for ourself", "DEL_EDGE", c->name);
- mesh->contradicting_del_edge++;
- send_add_edge(mesh, c, e, mesh->contradicting_del_edge); /* Send back a correction */
- return true;
- }
- /* Tell the rest about the deleted edge */
- if(!e->from->submesh || !e->to->submesh || (e->from->submesh == e->to->submesh)) {
- if(e->from->submesh) {
- s = e->from->submesh;
- } else {
- s = e->to->submesh;
- }
- /* Tell the rest about the deleted edge */
- forward_request(mesh, c, s, request);
- } else {
- logger(mesh, MESHLINK_ERROR, "Dropping del edge ( %s to %s )", e->from->submesh->name, e->to->submesh->name);
- return false;
- }
- /* Delete the edge */
- edge_del(mesh, e);
- /* Run MST before or after we tell the rest? */
- graph(mesh);
- /* If the node is not reachable anymore but we remember it had an edge to us, clean it up */
- if(!to->status.reachable) {
- e = lookup_edge(to, mesh->self);
- if(e) {
- send_del_edge(mesh, mesh->everyone, e, 0);
- edge_del(mesh, e);
- }
- }
+ (void)request;
/* TODO: Check if this is an edge we would own. */
return true;