--- /dev/null
+* Quick install instructions (tested on debian/ubuntu only!)
+./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
+make install
+/etc/init.d/dbus-1 restart
+* Note:
+On other linux distributions, the dbus initscript may be different (eg redhat /etc/init.d/messagebus).
+You need to restart dbus to make it knows about /etc/dbus-1/system.d/avahi-dbus.conf .
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+* Quick start guide:
+0) make sure you read the INSTALL file.
+1) start the deamon in background as root: avahi -D
+2) start the Gui to browse zeroconf network as your user: avahi-discover
+* Basic instructions to control the avahi deamon (as root):
+- starting it: avahi
+- starting it in background: avahi -D
+- stopping it: avahi -k