TODO list for MeshLink ---------------------- Refactoring: getting rid of global variables. Ultimately, no global variables should be used by the library (if possible). Tinc uses quite a lot of global variables. Refactoring this should go into steps: * Temporarily create a global meshlink_handle_t *mesh (done) * Move global variables to meshlink_handle_t (partially done) - This means moving the declaration from the old .h file to meshlink_internal.h inside meshlink_handle_t - Then doing sed 's/variable/mesh->&/g' *.c -i, and running make to check for any errors After that is completed: * Add meshlink_handle_t *mesh as the first argument to functions that need it Then: * Write code for all the functions in meshlink.c (some can be moved from libmeshlink.c) Other tasks: * Use snprintf() instead of xasprintf() when generating filenames - Use char filename[PATH_MAX] on the stack. No more need to free().