*** Quick install instructions (tested on debian/ubuntu only!) *** While "make" and "boostrap.sh" may be run as normal users all other commands need to be run is root. $ ./bootstrap.sh (this will run autoconf/automake) $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var Extra configure options available: --enable-gtk use GTK+ (default=yes) --enable-dbus use DBus (default=yes) --with-dbus-sys= where D-BUS system.d directory is --with-distro= the target Linux distribution (one of redhat, suse, gentoo, debian or slackware) --with-avahi-user= User for running the Avahi daemon (avahi) --with-avahi-group= Group for Avahi (avahi) $ make # make install # addgroup --system avahi # adduser --system --no-create-home --ingroup avahi avahi (These commands are Debian specific and may be different on other distributions) # kill -HUP `cat /var/run/dbus/pid` (This will ask DBUS to re-read its policies) # /etc/dbus-1/event.d/75avahi-daemon start - To automatically start avahi-dnsconfd on Debian based distro: # update-rc.d avahi-dnsconfd defaults 25 15 $Id$